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يعطي سيروم باي باي للخطوط الدقيقة البشرة مظهرًا ممتلئًا بشكل واضح وينعم الخطوط! تم اختبار هذا السيروم المضاد لعلامات التقدم في السن سريريًا وهو معتمد من أطباء الجلد. تضم تركيبة هذا السيروم حمض الهيالورونيك بنسبة 1.5٪ لتوفير ترطيب دائم لبشرتك ولتنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة وتقليل مظهرها بشكل واضح. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه يساعد أيضًا على منح البشرة ملمسًا ناعمًا بفضل مزيج من الببتيد وفيتامين B5. لقد طوّر جراحو التجميل وأطباء الجلد هذا السيروم وهو مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة - حتى الأكثر حساسية! قولي وداعًا للخطوط الدقيقة واستمتعي ببشرة ممتلئة وناعمة!
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يعطي سيروم باي باي للخطوط الدقيقة البشرة مظهرًا ممتلئًا بشكل واضح وينعم الخطوط! تم اختبار هذا السيروم المضاد لعلامات التقدم في السن سريريًا وهو معتمد من أطباء الجلد. تضم تركيبة هذا السيروم حمض الهيالورونيك بنسبة 1.5٪ لتوفير ترطيب دائم لبشرتك ولتنعيم الخطوط الدقيقة وتقليل مظهرها بشكل واضح. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإنه يساعد أيضًا على منح البشرة ملمسًا ناعمًا بفضل مزيج من الببتيد وفيتامين B5. لقد طوّر جراحو التجميل وأطباء الجلد هذا السيروم وهو مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة - حتى الأكثر حساسية! قولي وداعًا للخطوط الدقيقة واستمتعي ببشرة ممتلئة وناعمة!
ضعي من قطرتين إلى ثلاث قطرات على أطراف الأصابع. طبقي السيروم على الوجه والرقبة مع تجنب منطقة العين. ثم استخدمي كريم الترطيب كونفيدنس إن أي كريم لحماية البشرة وتعزيز ترطيبها، وفي الصباح كريم مرطب CC+ مع عامل حماية من الشمس SPF 50+ . في حالة ملامسة العينين، اشطفيه على الفور بالماء.
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(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) This product seems extremely similar to the one by the Ordinary which I’ve been using for a couple years now. I have been getting more breakouts since using this formula by IT cosmetics but I’m not sure if it’s directly related or not. Likely just going to switch back to the Ordinary once I get through this one, as my skin had no breakout issues prior.
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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Good product
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) This is a great product overall! It does not smell great but it does not smell horrible either. I will say when my skin is dry it does burn a little but once I add moisturizer it is fine! No redness.
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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It’s ok
A very nice serum but there’s not much difference between this and The Ordinary hyaluronic acid with B5. I’ll finish it but probably go back to The Ordinary
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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Caused Breakouts
As a 30 year old, I usually have very clear, well-managed skin. I work hard to maintain it by hydrating, washing makeup off every night, wearing sunscreen daily, and keeping my nutrition in check. Every time I used this product, it would cause my forehead to break out! I initially chalked my forehead breakouts to the weather warming up and perhaps sweating more, but I started to notice the pattern every time I used this even during colder winter months. I would develop a smattering of small, hard bumps on my forehead (at least 10 of them) and a few would progress to full blown red acne bumps. I have never had this reaction with anything else before (and I have used hyaluronic acid serums before with no issue). I was so embarrassed, it made me look and feel like a teenager again. If you have acne-prone skin, I would recommend staying away from this because I can only imagine how bad this would exacerbate "problem" skin.
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Works great!
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I received the product for free from Influenster and IT Cosmetics in exchange for my honest review. I am a daily user of hyaluronic acid, and I’ve tried several kinds so I was very interested to try this one given that it has a reasonable price point. I’m happy it worked as expected! I found it to be better than the Ordinary and about equal to a different brand I’m using but the other brand is more expensive. The product feels thick but goes on weightless and wears well under other skincare/makeup. There is no scent, which I like. I would definitely buy again
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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Plump skin but no noticeable change in lines
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I’m a 17 year old with not many fine lines, but I was still intrigued to try this product since I love products with hyaluronic acid for their hydrating features. I have minor smile lines and lines between my eyebrows, however I didn’t notice much of a chain, despite using the product for 3 weeks in my routine. I did, however, find that my skin was more plump and hydrated than usual which was nice. The product itself is slightly stickier than I expected but still absorbs nicely into the skin with no residue. The dropper is unlike any I’ve used before and I liked it, but it is just as effective as any other dropped. The product wasn’t scented which I prefer. Overall, I liked the way it made my skin feel but didn’t notice any major changes that were noteworthy aside from some increased hydration and plumpness. It’s a nice product to add to your routine, but may not be the magic potion that will cure all your wrinkles. It will hydrate your skin, though!
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Didn’t see a noticeable enough difference to recommend.
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It's okay
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Been using this for a few weeks and it's hydrating but not life-changing. Haven't noticed any reduction in fine lines.
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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Great addition to your daily skin care routine
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I received this product from influenster in return for my honest review. I have combination skin. I'm ages 29 with some fine lines starting. This serum goes on smoothly and does not leave your skin feeling oily at all. I didnt break out or feel "heavy" using this in my daily routine. I did notice a slight difference in my skin but not a huge difference. I would use this product again but it's not my go to. For the price point this product is a great bang for your buck
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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It’s okay
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I received this product form influenster for review! This product felt amazing on the skin! Left my skin feeling hydrated and soft, but I did not see any real improvement with fine lines!
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) Received from Influenster for an honest review. A great way to start my morning routine. I love this HA. Unlike others I’ve used this one is slightly thicker, but it doesn’t go on thick or sticky. I noticed a difference in my forehead fine lines after the first use. The packaging is also cute.
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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Okay serum
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I received this product from Influenster to test out for my honest review. I was using the ordinary hyaluronic acid & b5 serum before I received this one to test. After using it for about 2 weeks I found them to be very similar. It cosmetics has a nice bottle and the dropper dispenses a good amount of product. It absorbs quick into the skin and feels slightly tacky. It makes your skin feel hydrated but I wouldn’t say it does anything drastic for fine lines. Overall it is a good product but you can get something very similar for 1/3 of the price.
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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So far a good product!
(This review was collected as part of a promotion.) I received this product from Influenster in an exchange for an honest review. Overall I’m enjoying the product so far but not seeing any quick, drastic results. It’s not too sticky and a little bit goes a long way. I love other products from it cosmetics so I do hope I get some results with this one and end up loving it too.
موصى به: نعم
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com
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IT هي التكنولوجيا المبتكرة تتعاون مستحضرات تجميل IT مع جراحي التجميل وأطباء الجلد لابتكار حلولًا محببة للبشرة وتركيبات تم اختبارها سريريًا. وقد غيرت هذه المنتجات المبتكرة مفهوم مستحضرات التجميل لدي النساء، فنحن تعتبرك فتاة من فتيات IT منذ اللحظة الأولى التي قررتِ فيها استخدام منتجاتنا واستكشافها والوقوع في غرامها ثم الإيمان بها.

إت كوزميتكس
سيروم باي باي للخطوط الدقيقة
It absorbs well, but causes itchiness right after application. Not sure if it’s something to do with the product or if I am reacting to an ingredient. Haven’t experienced this with other hylauronic serums.
تم نشر المراجعة في الأصل على sephora.com